Germs And Makeup Brushes: What You Should Know

Do you remember the last time you washed your makeup brushes? If you aren’t washing your makeup brushes regularly, you are exposing your skin to oil, dirt, old makeup, and even germs and bacteria. Keep reading to learn the proper way to wash them to keep your skin clean and healthy.

Makeup Quiz

Do you remove all your makeup at night before going to bed? This includes foundation, eyeliner, mascara, and eyeshadow. If your answer is most of the time, sometimes, or I’m always too tired, you are just begging for trouble.

Unless you remove all your makeup before sleeping, you invite nasty bacteria to sit on and in your eyes and face. It is probably the best way to get an eye infection or suddenly get zits. Then voila, when you sleep on the same pillow the next night, the bacteria is still there waiting to pounce.

woman doing her makeup in front of mirror

All Manner Of Germs

Many types of bacteria exist on your face, hands, and other places. Streptococcus and staphylococcus can be found on your skin and face. E.coli from your digestive tract and pseudomonas found in contaminated water, like a hot tub or in the soil, are not conducive to being near your face and eyes. Yet, these nasties can make their way there unless you pay attention and practice makeup hygiene.

Best Practices For Makeup & Makeup Brushes

Clean hands and a clean face as a start to applying makeup goes a long way.

Keep your makeup brushes clean. Giving them a cleaning every couple weeks or less is good practice. Use a mild cleanser or soap. Let them dry lying on a paper towel.

Don’t leave makeup brushes out in your bathroom for them to be contaminated by hairspray or other products. Put them inside a cabinet with the door closed unless you are using them.

Never ever share makeup products.

Carefully close all products when you finish using them.

Keep all makeup at room temperature.

Take special care to clean sponges if you use them with liquid makeup. Unless they dry completely, they can grow bacteria and yeast. Easiest thing is to purchase disposables.

Check expirations dates and replace all makeup appropriately.

Contact Goodless Dermatology at (407) 566-1616, or request an appointment online, if you are experiencing any worrisome issues with your skin.