10 Rules to Follow If You Have Oily Skin

Many of us struggled with oily skin during our teenage years, but not everyone outgrows it. If you are one of those who still must deal with the ongoing consequences of having oily skin, you might be interested in the following 10 tips.

Clean Your Face

Do it twice a day, after you exercise, and use a mild cleanser. It may be hard to believe, but many people with oily skin think they are better off not cleansing their face in the AM if they did it the night before.

Blurry woman with very oily skin

Don’t ever scrub or you will only end up irritating your skin. You don’t want to dry out your skin either or as it will only serve to create more oil production.

Find the Right Cleanser for You

Pick out a mild foaming cleanser to remove makeup and dirt.  It’s important to pick mild cleansers that not only remove makeup, but also clean the pores where bacteria can settle in.  Skip anything oil based or alcohol based.

Moisturize Daily

Say yes to moisturizers. This is another one of those little misconceptions many of us have grown up with. Regardless of oily skin, we all need to hydrate our skin. Find one that protects from the damaging ultraviolet rays and has a SPF of 30+.

Wear Sunscreen

It’s important for all skin types to protect their skin from harmful UV rays, but it is doubly important for those with oily skin.  Avoid sun damage like dark spots, wrinkles, and even skin cancer.

In addition, avoid fragrances and obviously oil, and look for a sunscreen containing zinc oxide or titanium dioxide.

Choose Wisely When Selecting Makeup Products

Find water based foundations and oil free products. Those with a lighter texture that promise satisfying results are especially helpful for those looking to steer clear of excess oil on their skin. Sometimes powders can be even better than liquid foundations, but ultimately it will come down to your personal preference.

Never Ever Go to Sleep Without Removing Your Makeup

This is one of the biggest no-nos for both your skin and your eyes. Not cleaning your face before bedtime only lets your foundation continue to seep into your pores all night as the day’s pollution sticks to your makeup. Next morning you may wake up with not only an eye infection but a brand new red bump or two.

Remain Calm and DO NOT Touch Your Face

One day you should count the number of times you touch your face and eyes. You will be shocked. It’s a hard habit to break, but break it you should.

Each time you put dirty fingers and hands to some part of your face you simply pass on the bacteria, oil, and dirt from your hands to your face. Remember, you are trying to reduce the oils on your face.

Never touch your face except to clean it, moisturize it, or apply makeup. And, of course, be sure your hands are clean.

Try Blotting Papers

If blotting papers sound like an “old lady” technique, get over it!

It actually happens to be an on-the-go solution to your oily skin. Gently blot oily areas several times during the day to absorb the excess. Be careful to not rub as you will only make the oil spread.

Patting Is Key

Never rub your face after cleansing it or pull it downward as you dry your face. This technique is not only unhelpful for oily skin, but will encourage wrinkles to form too! Use a soft towel or cloth and gently pat your skin dry.

Consult With an Expert

If large pores, blackheads and pimples continue to be problematic, it may be time to get some help and see a specialist.

If you continue to have  problems with your oily skin, contact Goodless Dermatology for other solutions.

As always, if you have any further questions or would like to schedule an appointment, please call (407) 566-1616 or request an appointment online today!