Most of us turn to our primary care doctor for skin irritations, simple rashes, and bug bites. Sometimes, cases arise which require the assistance of a specialist in skin care like a dermatologist, but how do we know the difference? The bigger question is how to tell when you need to see a dermatologist.
Severe Acne
Even mild acne can lead to scars, but severe acne is a problem only for a dermatologist. If you have already tried everything under the sun for your acne issue, see a dermatologist for some prescription level help. They can provide prescription strength topical and oral medications along with more intense therapies.
Dry Patches
If you have dry itchy patches of skin on your knees, thighs, lower back, scalp or elbows, it’s time to see a dermatologist. It’s possible these dry patches are the beginning of psoriasis, and you need the expertise of a specialist to provide a diagnosis and treatment plan.
Moles And Growths On Your Skin
Skin tags and moles can be unsightly and a dermatologist can quickly treat them if you desire. More importantly, when you have a mole that is changing in shape, color, texture or size, you should visit with a specialist as soon as possible to determine if that mole is becoming cancerous.
In addition, you should schedule regular examinations of your entire body for any new or changing moles and growths. Asymmetrical moles or anything larger than a pencil eraser should be looked at. Melanoma can be deadly if not caught early enough.
Itchy Red Swollen Skin
Red, itchy skin can be a big problem, but if the skin is also swollen, it could be eczema. Thirty million Americans suffer with eczema and various other related skin problems.
If you flush easily or have chronic face redness, it could be rosacea. Pimple-like bumps, burning skin and redness all require an examination by a dermatologist.
Spider Veins And Varicose Veins
Those unsightly blue and purple veins can ruin a beautiful white dress. Yes, they may seem to be just a cosmetic issue, but they can be a medical problem too and cause circulation issues. Talk to your dermatologist about them.
Of course you can always begin with your primary care provider, but for any of the above issues, it is best to seek out the care of a dermatologist.
Contact Goodless Dermatology for any changes to a mole, swollen skin rash or new skin irritation.
For further questions or to schedule an appointment, please call (407) 566-1616 or request an appointment online today.