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a child with a rash on their arm.

Psoriasis in Children: Why You Should See a Dermatologist

Psoriasis in Children: Why You Should See a Dermatologist

Why you should see a dermatologist if your child has psoriasis? Psoriasis causes well-defined itchy red and scaly patches, especially in the crook of elbows and knees. You can also find psoriasis on a child’s face, buttocks, or scalp. Sometimes it’s hard to tell the difference between psoriasis and eczema,

girl smiling.

Back to School: Your Child’s Skin Health and Pediatric Dermatology

Back to School: Your Child’s Skin Health and Pediatric Dermatology

As we approach late summer, kids are lining up to get vision testing, immunizations, dental checkups and cleanings, and routine health screenings. Many of these are required for a return to school, but don’t let one important checkup fall by the wayside.