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child with eczema on their hands.

Eczema in Adults vs Children: Differences in Treatment and Care

Eczema in Adults vs Children: Differences in Treatment and Care

Eczema is an inflammation of the skin often linked with allergies. Doctors often use the terms eczema and atopic dermatitis interchangeably because most cases of eczema are caused by atopic dermatitis. It is a non-contagious skin disorder which causes itchy, scaly,

doctor checking skin cancer.

Detecting Early: The ABCDEs of Skin Cancer Detection

Detecting Early: The ABCDEs of Skin Cancer Detection

People of a certain age might remember when sunbathers, including them, sat at the beach without sunscreen. Instead they might have used baby oil on their skin to increase their gorgeous tan. Little did they know that using baby oil increased their risk of skin cancer since it attracts ultraviolet UV rays and allows it to penetrate more deeply.

adult with psoriasis on arms.

What Makes Psoriasis Worse?

What Makes Psoriasis Worse?

Psoriasis is a condition where skin cells build up causing scales and dry itchy patches. They are unsightly and the worst part is never knowing when they will appear. Those who have psoriasis have triggers that make the condition worse. Let’s discover what you can do about it and what makes psoriasis worse.